Makeup is something that enhances your beauty. It is an art that anybody can draw on their face instead of paper. Makeup is not about transforming one’s self into someone else, but allowing the inner self to shine with confidence. Makeup is a harmful drug, once we start using it, we’ll feel ugly without it. Makeup is not a tool to make an ugly thing beautiful, it just meant to magnify the beauty that already exists inside us. There are usually two viewpoints toward the women who wear makeup every day, 1) they look professional, put together, and ready for their day. 2) They are ‘try-hard’ and put too much effort into their appearance. Why not go for the more natural look? There are lots of people around this world with completely different face shapes, and the same makeup does not suit for all. So, there exists a different styles and different way to do makeup on your face. Some of the makeup that you can do on your face according to your face shape are described below: OVAL F...